Environment Setup for Lua Modding

Ensure that you have installed UE4SS on to MiABSFD. See the main page for more information.


  1. Inside your executable folder (\steamapps\common\MadeInAbyss-BSFD\MadeInAbyss-BSFD\Binaries\Win64), all Lua UE4SS mods are located in Mods\, each mod residing in its own subfolder. Create a folder for your mod (Mods\<mod name>)
  2. All scripts must be inside a Scripts folder inside the mod folder. Create Mods\<mod name>\Scripts\main.lua. This'll be the first script to be loaded.
  3. Mods are disabled by default. For it to be enabled, you can either:
    • Place an empty text file Mods\<mod name>\enabled.txt, or
    • Edit Mods\mods.txt and add the following line: <mod name> : 1

Once you've done these you can start making Lua scripts to mod the game.